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It's all a joke

It's all a fing joke. 

None of this is real.

None of us are real.

We're just pond scum, floating on the sea of life. 

We're cast out, not whole and never to be real.

F it all. 

We're just broken pieces of crap. No one regards us as worthwhile objects of consideration, let alone even human. We're shit. Vile, scummy, shit. 

Society thinks were not worth anything, even the treatment providers 'helping' us don't regard us as human. We're patients, not like them at all. Not good enough, clean enough, articulate enough. 

We never will be.

So why bother. 

Why even do this shit?

Why pretend? Why try? 

F it all. 


Re: It's all a joke

@Former-Member Hi 5-HT  good to see you. Well I keep on going because I don't care what society thinks of me. They can judge me and cast dispersions against me regarding a whole range of things but I really don't care. I do my best with the hand I have been given. I am not perfect but then nobody is. I have mis' so I will never be 'normal' and that is okay because from what I have seen being normal can make one judgemental, mean, nasty, viscious and the list goes on .... not for everyone who is 'normal' but the vast majority who look down on their collective noses at those with mental illnesses.

Take care 5-HT

Re: It's all a joke

Hey there @Former-Member, always good to see you posting, although has something happened offline for you to feel this way?

I care about what people think of me, but I've now figured that normal (whatever that is) is simply a setting on a washing machine. Everybody has their 'stuff' and their own neuroses, anxieties and realities. It's just some of us are classified as 'different' and are labelled with diagnoses that society has put upon us. It doesn't mean we aren't wonderful human beings with beautiful souls.


Take care of you 5-HT. I hope that this distress this is causing you subsides soon.

Re: It's all a joke

Come on you @Former-Member .. yes prob truth in other’s perceptions but they aren’t yours..

Re: It's all a joke

Hi @Queenie @greenpea GP .. yes Life is a Joke .. depends whether you can see the humour in it .. @Former-Member .. yeah I know

Re: It's all a joke

Hey there @TAB 🙂

Re: It's all a joke

@TAB Yes well I had a good chuckle today at some grumpy old man's expence becauase he was being a fool. Nothing like smiling whilst the attacker is going red in the face :). @Queenie@Former-Member I am an old hand at giving people like the old man the shits and it always makes me smile.

Re: It's all a joke

I’m old @greanpea ok so are you lol

Re: It's all a joke

Re: It's all a joke

@TAB that's right! I keep forgetting how old you are ..... you are indeed a very, very old man  😛 still I have kidults that makes me older .... believe me it just does .... *sigh* I feel like I am 100!

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