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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor


Has anyone felt lonely in a crowd??????? as well as at home



Senior Contributor

Re: Lonliness

@loopy. Yeah mate I have and do. In a crowd I hate to be. I not only become suffocated, anxious and panicked but isolated, alone and invisible. I fear the mob. I know I am not one of them. Even more alone and lonely than when I am alone and lonely at home. At lest at home I am relatively safe.
Senior Contributor

Re: Lonliness

Lonliness bites!

Bite! Bite! Bite! 

Bite! Bite! Bite! 

Bite! Bite! Bite! 

Bite! Bite! Bite! 

Bite! Bite! Bite! 

Soon there is nothing left. 😞


*doe eyes* 

Senior Contributor

Re: Lonliness

I find myself lonely sometimes around my friends, especially if the topic and ongoing conversations are not anything i have knowledge on, in public i find myself shutting down, i walk through a busy shopping centre focused on a spot above everyones heads making no eye contact no facial gestures, point A to point B

probably not exactly what you mean about lonely in a crowd, but i do feel alone

Re: Lonliness

kato, exactly what I meant.


Senior Contributor

Re: Lonliness

Hey Loopy

It's a constant I find. It's that isolated type of loneliness that straight people would never understand. 

It breaks my heart hourly.

But that's alright. Sucker want's to keep f###ing with me? That's alright.

I may have bent a bit, But I aint yet been broke.



Hope Fu##ing endures



Re: Lonliness

Rick, just love your terminology. Certainly filled with emotion.


Senior Contributor

Re: Lonliness

Senior Contributor

Re: Lonliness

I am home I am safe. I can cry now. Why? Who knows and who really cares. I don't! Even if I knew what it would take to free me from this low it would probably cost too much in other areas of my life. Just sitting reading other peoples posts seem so real and I just want to give the finger to the world of all those who so just love life and want to know whats wrong with me. Like "they really care". Jealousy is a bitch.

Re: Lonliness

Hey peace... I heard you. You are real. Your feelings are real. We're listening. 

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