
Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah I don’t use the glass from the frames @tyme  cant imagine how many kgs of glass I’ve thrown in the bin! 

I’ve not actually used hot glue with this art… but I don’t think it would work as well as the super glue. 

I mostly use just thick card. It’s cheaper. But watercolour paper is much better, if the glue runs or spreads too much, it dries and you can see it. Whereas with the watercolour you can’t see the glue when it dries. It’s just expensive to buy. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I’ve not been well today. Woke with a bit of a stomach ache, but pushed through that. Got myself organised, did 2 loads of washing, the second one when putting on the line I felt really off, could tell that perhaps my blood pressure was a bit low today. But kept going cause D was at her fathers today and mum and I had a day planned out. I was looking forward to it. Dropped D off and the nausea hit me. And it was bad. Drove to our first stop, which was local thankfully, and I told mum that I really didn’t feel ok. Told her to run in and get what she needed and that then I think we would need to postpone our day out. 
went home and crawled into bed. I’m so frustrated and angry with myself. I was looking forward to our day out. Instead of spent the day napping, trying not to throw up, watching Netflix and scrolling my phone. 😩😩

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Bow ,


I'm sorry to hear your day out had to be postponed today. How are you feeling now? 


I was okay this morning, but then I felt a bit ew myself.... just with a pending migraine...


Thanks for sharing around the pebble art. I really think it is incredible and your talent shines through.


Have you ever tried glueing onto the glass?


I'm sure there is something you can do with the glass - knowing you, you are so so creative!


I'm here for a little if you need company 🙂

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Still feeling rather unwell @tyme  just put a new movie on to watch. 

ick migraine! Do you get them bad? Often? 

I did do a piece glued directly on the glass and didn’t like it. Look much better without the glass. And easier to transport and post. 

I had 2 long narrow cardboard boxes that I use to store and transport them all to market. Had to find another box at bunnings recently though cause I had a heap of new ones that I added. Always a big decision which ones to pull out and put on display first at the market! 

Re: My Mosaic

I'm not going to complain that I get migraines often, but I don't really. But when I do get them, they are terrible! @Bow 


Fair enough with transporting and storing work without the glass. Makes a lot of sense. 


I hope you can get a cricut one day, and inspire me. I watched some videos with the cricut the other day (well I asked my niece to show me), but there just wasn't a spark. There was nothing I really wanted to make. Actually, I reckon the cricut would be an awesome addition to your framed work. I can sort of 'see it' with the cricut items.


I saw some vinyls available at Aldi but I didn't get any because I don't know what to make! They also had iron ones too.


The only thing I have made with the cricut are some name labels.... nothing else. So I'm pretty boring. I think I'm becoming less and less creative as the years go by.


You'd laugh if you see the ridiculousness of my 'creativity'.... lol


I'm glad you share your work with us. It really makes my day.




Re: My Mosaic

Hi @Bow 

We will spend about 7 days at the snow so skiing over there. Then we will spend about 3 days in Tokyo. Not sure what we will do there yet. Will talk with the others going too, to see if they want to do anything specific.

Went to an art class this morning. Could imagine you sitting there with me. Made a few things with some water colours.

They have a few classes on tomorrow too so might give them a try too.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Tokyo would be amazing @Snowie  im sure there will be lots to see.


made me smile that you went to art therapy and did some watercolours. Hope it’s something you can enjoy again tomorrow 

Re: My Mosaic

Afternoon my dear @Bow 

Hoping the weekend went well and today is too.

Sending lots of 💕 💓 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey my dear friend @Snowie 


I had a bit of a rough weekend. Had a 24hr gastro type bug and spent all day Saturday in bed. Was annoyed with myself cause I had plans for the day. And then Sunday I didn’t really feel like doing much, just rested, plus d didn’t feel too well in the morning, but thankfully she didn’t get what I had. 
My ED has since taken the fact I was unwell and ran with it. I’ve really been struggling since. Not doing ok. 
Told my SW this morning that I wasn’t doing ok and that I really didn’t wanna go to group, but she encouraged me to get up and get ready. So dragged myself to the show, tried on numerous outfits cause I felt so yuck, did my hair and stuff and then I got the message that group was cancelled 😡 I was really not happy. 
My SW popped by for a quick visit to check in on me. And then the facilitator, my old psych, she called to check in on me (last time group was cancelled coincided with an attempt, so think they were both a bit concerned). Had a lengthy chat with my old psych. 
im now suppose to be getting up and doing something with my d. But she is happy doing her own thing, so I’m gonna do some art. Kinda got a picture in my head from the convo with my old psych. 

enough about me though. How are you doing? Did you get leave over the weekend? Did you see hubby and kids? How was ECT this morning?

Re: My Mosaic

Oh dear @Bow nothing worse then a 24hr bug. It always takes more than 24hrs to get over.

Sorry to hear about your group too, especially when you made the effort to get ready for it. It is good however to hear that they checked in on you hon. I hope you are able to do some art work today.


I did go to an art session yesterday so will try to upload a pic from my phone.

No leave over the weekend. Both kids were working so hoping that they can come in one day this week as Son still on school holidays.

So was a quiet one here. They do run some groups on the weekend so at least that is something to fill in the time.