
Re: My special place

Hugs @Eve7 @Snowie ,


I hear things are so hard. Families love you as you are @Eve7 .


I hear it can feel like you are a burden on your family, yet look at the blessing you are to them.


Just like us. We appreciate you for who you are.

Re: My special place

If only they could help @tyme 

Re: My special place

You mean family help you? @Snowie 

Re: My special place

family, supports, friends, anyone, does it really matter @tyme 

Re: My special place

Awww @Snowie . Hugs. I feel a lot of us have felt they have been in a similar place where everything seemed impossible. It's a hard place to be in. 



Re: My special place

doesn't matter anymore @tyme 

Re: My special place

Do you want to join us on the PGC tonight? @Snowie @Eve7 . Even as a distraction?

Re: My special place

Will try @tyme not sure how much I can contribute however. No good for company.


Re: My special place

@Snowie  I'm mad that your SW has fallen down on the job again. That is unacceptable. 

I do feel though that it's likely his own inadequacies rather than how he views you. You said he wasn't even competent enough to email your pdoc. Sounds like he's not up to the role in general. 


Still, I'm sorry he let you down again 😢


How did you sleep last night? Hoping your day today goes better 🤞 Sending 💙

Re: My special place

So finally home. Took D to the hospital to have her wisdom teeth out this morning. Home now and she is resting. Stocked up on lots of soft/mushy foods for the next few days.


Although I never want to see her like this, it has given me something to take my mind of the issues I'm having at the moment. Although sitting in the hospital waiting room didn't exactly bring back happy memories.


Just trying to rest now as sleep last night was crap.