
Re: My special place




Re: My special place

Evening @Snowie

Re: My special place

@Snowie Hi Snowie!! How are you this morning :D:D

Re: My special place

Why is pushing a nurses buzzer so hard?

Re: My special place

Its ok @Snowie
Take a breathe then push the buzzer
Hoping youve been able to do that now ❤

Re: My special place

You're important and you matter @Snowie

So you have every right to ask for help.

Re: My special place

@Snowie how are you going? 💖

Re: My special place



Remember  it always ❤

Re: My special place

Saw pdoc today. Was meant to leave on Saturday but wants to keep me in for another week. Med changes still happening. I spoke to a lovely nurse who listened to me without judgement. It was  comforting. Stayed in bed and pjs all day but feel a bit better tonight. 

Will try to attend some groups tomorrow. Have got a bit of leave too so might try and go for a walk. 

Re: My special place

That is so good you got a loveley nurse, makes quite the difference. The med changes sound really rough on you so an extra week might be best.
A walk and groups tomorrow sound good, hopefully the weathers ok for a walk. Im glad your doing abit better tonight too
Hugs for my sis @Snowie