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Something’s not right

Senior Contributor

Negative self talk

Dunno if anyone's still awake on here.  Can't sleep.  Negative thoughts keep putting me down.  Keep getting stuck in a rut.  Not making any progress on anything.  Does anyone have any strategies for combatting negative thoughts?  Ive tried cbt.  Maybe i should just get them on paper and burn them


Re: Negative self talk

Hey @Zaphod
I'm awake over here. Just not sleeping yet. Judge Judy is on lol.

In terms of negative thoughts. Have you tried to disassociate them from feelings? So if you feel bad you can severe it from a bad thought about yourself? Or if you have a bad thought you are able to severe it from the feeling?

Sometimes even just ignoring them can work for me. We are never under any obligation to give those thoughts and feelings our undivided attention either.

Re: Negative self talk

Hey @MDT.  Thanks mate.  Never tried the disassociation thing.  Sounds worth a try though.  

So ill start just identifying feeling first.  Is it like a mental excercise?

Re: Negative self talk

Lol.  Judge Judy......

Re: Negative self talk



How have you been anyway @MDT?


Re: Negative self talk

Pretty much a mental exercise yeh. Just remember to always try and see if the thought you have is rational or useful. If it is neither, it ought to be ignored @Zaphod
And yeh im not bad thanks. Just tryimg to figure put my 2019 year and gotta put in a witness statement tomorrow for something i saw. Life be crazy lol.
Just mild insomnia atm but i think it is kicking in now so i might duck off to bed.
Night. Hope you get some shut eye soon bud

Re: Negative self talk

Yeh she is a bit of a crackpot lol

Re: Negative self talk

Witness statement?  Hope it all goes alright. Night mate.  

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