
Re: when is it time for hospital

Hi @outlander


I understand - I know you are on the edge right now - and your mother needs that come-uppance - what ever it means


And taking a few nights in an hotel - really good idea - much better than the one night she offered you - measly little bribe


I feel like I have said enough but I will insist on telling you that your deserve better and you are entitled to do better and I think you are facing something similar to me at the same age - going to night school gave me insight and plans - I was told by my mother that I was changing and of course I was changing - as you are and it seems you have to fight harder than most to have the adult life you are working towards


You are seriously worn down - I really hope you sleep - 


I have to ask - what would your mother be doing if you had not been born - she'd have two kids and wow - so did I - it's really hard to rear two children and do all the housework and work as well with all of that


Your mother has no idea - she doesn't know which end is up


I am sorry - still aring and reminding you that you are important





Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander, I wish I knew the answer to "why did this have to happen now". I have asked myself that numerous times after the week I've had.

Things just happen sometimes that are totally out of our control. And they are crappy and set us back and make us quesion everything we know. We just have to help each other out as best we can

Re: when is it time for hospital

@Former-Member i know its the environment
My prns usually work ive taken my nightly meds on top of that (prescribed dosages) so im hoping as they are all relaxants itll help calm the nerves too.

@Owlunar im organising the hotel first so i have a retreat asap and i do t end up last night. Travelling but no where to go. That really suck. Avoiding your own home isnt fun nor is cryinf yourself to aellp like many of my nights.

I really hope i actually sleep tonight. Maybe things will settle in the morning if i get somesort of rest.

Thanks for being here too. I know your struggling yourself

@Former-Member its so hard they say it comes in 3 so im not keeping my hopes up for good op results. I feel its to much as an ask for things to go my way. I can hope thatll itll go my way but tbh look at my luck. ..
What distractions were we doing last night?

Re: when is it time for hospital

you were telling me about you favourite colours - one being purple which is the same colour as my carpet. You like the ocean and painting and drawing. You loved horses. That was only a few things however.

So here is another round of questions

What is your favourite tv show?

what is your favourite movie?

favourite food?

vegetable you refuse to eat?

favourite book?

Are you a bath or shower person?

Summer or winter person and why?

See how you go answering these ones

Re: when is it time for hospital

Oh uhh

My 2 favourite tv ahows are outlander. The big bang therory is pretty good. Sheldons funny

I dont have a fave movie..

I dont have a favourite food and the only thing that i wont touch are brussel sprouts. .

Umm favoruite book outlander and also sadaku and the thousand papers planes sad book though.

Um shower person

Um i like autumn as we get a food mix of both weathers. I dont like a heap of rain but i hate the heat even more nut autumn generally offers a good mix of both except with winds but thats moatly august

Re: when is it time for hospital

Good job @outlander.  I love the Big Bang theory, that is my to go show when I can't sleep at night. Just keep watching reruns of it. I have to agree with the Brussel sprouts, yuk.

havent read outlander, might have to read it. I am a winter girl. Colder it is, the more snow there is. That is my happy place!!

how are you going now?

Re: when is it time for hospital

I will be okay @outlander


I will have the MRI and save my freak-out for the appropriate time - I don't like the idea but I will be okay


Anyway - organising your private retreat is a good idea - it's safer than driving around like you were last night - you need a place to be free and don't tell them where you are


I really hope you sleep tonight also - with your regular medication and your PRNs and being so tired - yes - that should help


But I do get it how stirred up you are - I hear you -  I understand



Re: when is it time for hospital

Might have to put extra credit it and watch episodes too @Former-Member better than disturbing people here

Its a really good book. Really descriptive and hard to put it down once you start. They have a tv series too. Only up to season 2 though and season 3 soon to be released

Ive never been to the snow. Bit too cold for me
Still the same. Slightly less whatever it is i am at the moment

@Owlunar will keep an eye out for tou thread. Just havent been able to respond for obvious reasons
But it doesnt mean i dont care.

Yeah driving around like that well saved me in a way but not good way to be. Lets hope sleep comes soon.

Re: when is it time for hospital

In my lunatic rant this afternoon I said something similar to you. @outlander You are not disturbing anyone here, we are all here to help each other. I lost it big time this afternoon and @Sans911 helped me out heaps. I'm not saying I am in a great headspace, but I am in a place where I can 'pay it forward' and helps someone else. 

Sounds like a good book and good to series. No wonder you named yourself after it😀😀

Re: when is it time for hospital

Thank you for your help and caring support today/night guys.
Im going to try and sleep
Hopefully i wont be bavk in later
Good night i hope you all get dome sleep too
@Former-Member @Owlunar @Sans911 @Maggie @Former-Member ❤❤❤