
Re: when is it time for hospital

Thanks @Sans911 ❤❤❤
Yes Big Sis ❤

Re: when is it time for hospital

I love it @outlander!
I'll add a print out of him to my desk of thylacines! He's quite anatomically correct too - good job. 😊
Grrrrr! ❤️ 🐕

Re: when is it time for hospital

hey @outlander sounds like youve had a rough few days hey?
its great to hear that you are getting a bit better, but still in the mend i guess.
take care and dont sweat it too much
you are a battleaxe haha
all the best
and good picture too

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander minor hiccup hopefully.Did a first aid refresher today,read your post regarding lacking life's experiences.I felt that today with the teacher talking about her kids breaking bones etc.I felt like I lacked something.Plus I'm one that because of the way they feel inadequate feel like a fraud.Glad you got back in the driver's seat.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Glad someone thinks I'm beautiful @outlander!lol

Re: when is it time for hospital

Aww thats such a priviledge @Former-Member thank you! Im really glad your like him. They have a weird shape dont hey. Look like a tiger but a dog plus a fox thingy. Strange little creatures they are.

Hey @MDT
yeah its been a rough few days. Think ive still got a few painful days ahead of me unfortunatley but I did not only get into a car but I drove one. I wasnt ready but I had to be. I went out shopping after I had a rest too. So ive had 3 car trips in one day. And thanks
I seen you had some awesome news. Im so proud! All your hard work is finally paying off hey

@Former-Memberthats really good. Good on you for not only doing a refresher course but also beng around people which I know you dont like. Your not inadequate and your not a fraud either. And of course I think your beatiful!

@Sans911is this late enough for you..... I had a few hours rest...

@soul@Owlunar@Queenie@Ant7@Shaz51@Former-Member@Former-Memberthank you heaps for your support too it means a whole heap

I ended up going shopping for an hour as well. It was ok but after about 20 minutes I found myself getting really irritated and wanted to get out of there. My head started to hurt again and my earache keeps coming back. Im finding that when im in a car whether im driving or not im getting really irritated and I just want to get where im going so I can get out. Im still driving safely but I can feel my anxiety really rising...

I hope this whiplash/concussion stuff eases up soon. I hate having constant headache and earache despite pain relief, Im still finding I get blurry vision and confused and upset easily as well as still getting big waves of nausea too

Re: when is it time for hospital

Thanks nothing like like a beautiful old loser spinster with cats @outlander! Lol.I am really tired but.I was with people I don't know,worried when going down I'd be with someone there I don't get along with or like, or know.When I walked in too I panicked.The introductions were going on and the teacher was asking their occupation.I did not want to be out in that position to say I'm a old loser,and thankfully I just had to say my name.Everyone else was a teacher, or worked.I hoped no one would ask what I did.

 I do feel like a fraud,and I do feel inadequate.It makes me realize the impact of my weaknesses on a life "less than "others.I feel due to my life and long term mental health and unemployment I have gaps in my life.


Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander well done sis-im proud of you. I've actually had a really rough, difficult day, which isn't over yet. I also had severe anxiety while driving my cat to the vet, as he was really stressed too. We were late, I couldn't find his paperwork before we left, so things weren't great to start with. After we got about halfway, I turned around & drove home. I had to turn my phone off as I really needed time alone to calm down. That took about 3 hours. So even though I've been driving over 20years, some aspects of driving while I have a MI really get to me. It's a pity, because it was something I used to look forward too and enjoy.

And my gut pain continues with new, potentially scary symptoms so back to the GP, bloods, medicine. When does it all end, hey @outlander?

You and me (and others in these forums) are in similar situations.

I really like your drawing too. You're quite talented as well it's something I just can't do.

@lil1 I reckon you've done really well today. And yes, I bet your really pretty. I actually didn't realise, but I saw in one of your posts, you're actually just a few years younger than me. These forums can sometimes make it hard to know that much about someone. But a few is but a number right?

@Ant7 what is your good news? I can't stand to miss out lol.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Thanks @Sans911,it was good to focus on something else and check part of something,but I can't help feeling less than everyone else at times.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Talk tomorrow.Im pretty tired.💕