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31-08-2017 07:59 AM
31-08-2017 07:59 AM
Hey @outlander - hoping that you are feeling more refreshed and ready to take on the day. You can do this. Reach down into yourself and use that inner strength. Thinking of you.
31-08-2017 08:00 AM
31-08-2017 08:00 AM
31-08-2017 08:06 AM
31-08-2017 08:06 AM
I know it's scary @outlander - but you can do it. I remember spinning out on a gravel road as I was rounding a corner and sliding into a cane field one wet rainy dark night. It freaked me out. There were no mobile phones back then. I had to pull myself together and continue on.
You can do it too.
31-08-2017 09:12 AM
31-08-2017 09:12 AM
Oh my goodness you've been 'in the wars' lately Claire! @outlander. So glad your mostly ok! Hoping the bruises and shock are getting a little better each day
Is your car alright to drive? I have had anxiety driving too. The first time was because I hadn't driven in a couple of years (the partner I was with wouldn't let me . . . drive my own car!), when he left I still had to get my child to school, I've always lived out of town and grocery shopping still had to be done - but I can still remember the almost paralyzing fear, first time I turned the key. Second time was an accident, one of the wheels came off! Hub and all! My then partner had been 'fixing it' for me, I now wonder whether it was done on purpose. It came off as I was going around a sharp bend, with a sharp drop over the side. I went down, how I didn't 'roll it' I don't know. I had a ute with a cage, my large dog was in the back - we spent 8 hours waiting for him to come and help, he turned up with a small tent and a yoga mat, he didn't want to spend the fuel taking me home until we found the wheel. We didn't find it and he ended up having to take me home anyhow. But I guess the saying 'it's like riding a bicycle' is kind of right - we do what we have to do, and all the intricate moves involved in driving just click back in, becoming subconscious actions again. You survived an accident with a truck, I hope you realize it was your driving skills that did that 🙂 Ours is not a big country, but it's very spread out; it's very hard to be indepenant without your own transportation, near impossible once you get out of the city and public transport. I know you don't see your strength, people rarely see their own - it's almost seen as 'self-absorbed' if you dare to look at it! But you can't avoid others pointing it out, and I, as so many others, can see it shining brightly.
Lots of love to you Claire
31-08-2017 09:37 AM
31-08-2017 09:37 AM
Well said Niqua
And outlander - Niqua is right - whatever happened you have to get behind the wheel and drive again - and like Niqua - I have done that - and done it again - and again - and so on etc - because accidents happen out there on the road and even the best driving in the world can't stop them from happening
And although I have a half-price taxi card I still feel a loss of independence having to rely on them and public transport - I want to drive again but I have to get the all clear from my pain specialist and she thinks I can't do it - but I guess to do it the hardest thing will be to get behind the wheel again
So I understand - and for you driving is your independence - it's your way away from the household of toxic inmates
About your special place - that takes time to find or create - I could tell you mine but that wouldn't help you at all - but there is a big tree there and I always head straight for that tree when the world gets wonky
I will be thinking of you driving today - just take it gently and don't think to far ahead - imagine driving to the end of the road - and then the next one - and just do this until you feel it coming back
I am sure - with all that is happening in your life - driving again means so much to you that getting behind the wheel will be easy compared with the other stuff happening
Sending more and more hugs
31-08-2017 11:32 AM
31-08-2017 11:32 AM
31-08-2017 12:57 PM
31-08-2017 12:57 PM
Hello everyone
im sorry, I realise its a little impersonal to not reply indivdually but my head is pounding and I cant seem to think very clearly.
Thank you all for leting me your stories of your accidents. I managed to drive today!
It was really scary and it took me ages to prepare to drive and my driving was really slow but I did manage to drive. I think I held my breath the entire time casue when I eventually did stop I took a breath and relaised ok I can still breathe.
Im still taking this week off work though. I was suppose to stay with pop for a 3 hr clinic but it wa a group setting and I really wasnt up for that and my head was already hurting. He said that it was ok and he would call when he was ready to come home so it worked out ok.
I managed to drive back home, calm down and relax abit. Dont really know whats gotten into me really as im always tired esp more so now.
I managed to drive there and back again as well.
Anyway I gotta go offline again for abit. Going to go take some more pain meds, my heads going to explode. I hate this stupid pressure feeling even when im sitting around the house 😞
also @Former-Member i drew your tassie tiger the other day but i havent seen you on and didnt want it to get lsot in amongst the posts so... here it is . i hope you like it...
31-08-2017 12:59 PM
31-08-2017 12:59 PM
31-08-2017 01:07 PM
31-08-2017 01:07 PM
thank you @Former-Member i dont think i want to do anymore driving today though. at least i know i can get to my gp tomorrow hey..
i hope you like the drawing- not sure if its uploaded as yet though
31-08-2017 01:18 PM
31-08-2017 01:18 PM
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