
Re: when is it time for hospital

No need to apologise @outlander, we are all here to support each other through the good and crappy times. 💗💗💗

Re: when is it time for hospital

💜💐💕 @outlander .... keep safe Hon .... I'm listening along ... 🤗

Re: when is it time for hospital

As I said @outlander just focus on the here and now.I felt that way driving back the other day when that most women pissed me off.I've been like that a few times thinking of veering off the road.The chaos in your head does that.

I suggest you make so many charity bags and work on yourself @outlander,you have to look after yourself.

I hope something changes there soon ,they both work shouldn't be a problem getting a rental .

Re: when is it time for hospital

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander hugs and hugs and hugs to you. You have shown incredible strength beyond your young years. I used to live on the Central Coast over 10years ago, so that makes you even more like kin. There is absolutely no need to apologise, and your 'antics' are simply you feeling overwhelmed and lost. No need for explanations, but it makes sense for you, and shows an incredible resolve. You were overwhelmed, spiralling out of control, and you were super focused on try to survive. You done an amazing, courageous thing. And you are incredibly smart. I have been in a similar situation to what you describe; it's all consuming and unrelenting. And because I called a crisis service, I wasn't aware I had the police tracing my journey home and waiting at my front door. Scary, but now I realise how bad I was at that point. Having the MI we have is not unlike hell. I understand the feelings of defeat, of being so broken down and that there is nothing left but emptiness. I know our lives are vastly different, but our thoughts & feelings are similar. I'm super struggling with SH/SI right now and no one knows how bad it is except here on the forums. So sometimes I have to have time out too, just like you and others do. There's nothing wrong or bad about it. But by helping others to get through a minute, an hour or a day helps me hang on a little longer. You are actually doing really well than even a few weeks ago @outlander. Just hang in there lil Sis.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Re: when is it time for hospital

💜 @Sans911 ....

Re: when is it time for hospital

Hey @outlander - seems like the fog has cleared somewhat and I am happy for you that you are able to think a bit more clearly.

Your home situation sucks. Your family is not ideal - far from it. I know all about that and try as I might, my family weren't going to change. To stop it from getting to me, I had to change my way of thinking. Instead of lamenting that we weren't close, that they said and did hurtful things and they didn't have my back, I had to let go of that idea. When I did that, the things they did didn't bother me as much. They still affected me to a degree but I saw their actions being a reflection of their crappy character and nothing to do with my worth as a human being. Try it. It's not easy when you are a sensitive person but if you can adopt that viewpoint, it will certainly help. 

I reckon you should book that little getaway as soon as possible. That way you will have something to look forward to and less likely to back out. Think about what you plan to do during that time. Take a book to read. Some good music. Maybe you will go for some nice walks. Treat yourself, you deserve it. Find something to be grateful for. Slow down and appreciate things you might normally take for granted or not even notice. 

All the best for the coming week. 

Re: when is it time for hospital

thanks @Faith-and-Hope@Maggie@Former-Member@Bubbles3

it really means alot

Re: when is it time for hospital

ts hard to focus on the here and now @Former-Member it really is. i keep reminding myself that i need here and now dont worry about anythign else but i cant.

im hoping they get a rental soon. i went though rentals todaya nd found 8 of them they could apply for took a photo and send them all to mum. i dont think she was impressed but i dont care