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Re: Topic Tuesday **Now running**: Supporting recovery through substance abuse and mental illness

Hi there @Kelstarkaruah,

I think what you are going through is actually pretty normal. Grief and loss are a big part of recovery, not only for the person who is recovering, but for hte carer as well.  think this is becasue you as his carer has essentially been on the same journey along with him, and now that journey has stopped, it's natural to feel anxiety, and a fear of the inknown.

I myself had a partner that went into rehab, and felt exactly the same thing. I kept asking myself if I was needed anymore, ir even if I was wanted. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you what I did. I basically thought to myself, well I have been on this journey wit her now through all the messy stuff, now I can try to be on the journey of recovery with her. I found out that it's essentially the same journey, just a new path.Perhaps you can try to encourage him in his new interests and just enjoy time together. You already know each other, so that's the basic foundation! 

Perhaps you might seek some help for yourself (these forums are a great start) and know that you have a proven track record of being with him, and that doesn't need to stop. You  have already shown how much you care about him, and that too won't change. It's just a new season, like winter slowly becoming summer.

You've done a lot of reasearch, and are here on these forums. That's great. Maybe now you can do what you are really good at - be a loving person.Take care of yourself in the meatime. you are worth it!


Re: Topic Tuesday **Now running**: Supporting recovery through substance abuse and mental illness

I just wanted to say a very big thank you to @Hobbit for tonight. You've give us all some helpful information and tips on how carers can help to support their loved ones with mental health and substance abuse.


Thank you also to @Kelstarkaruah, @BatGuano, @Mazarita, @PeppiPatty, @Thebaconson, @Jo and @CherryBomb for adding to the discussion and sharing your experiences. I hope you have all enjoyed this Topic Tuesday Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday **Now running**: Supporting recovery through substance abuse and mental illness

Thanks the personal encouragement, @Hobbit. It was great reading what you had to say about this whole subject. Best wishes everyone.

Re: Topic Tuesday **CLOSED**: Supporting recovery through substance abuse and mental illness

Thank you. I'm working on it.
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