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11-08-2017 07:49 PM
11-08-2017 07:49 PM
Haven't seen you for a while @STORMGRL101 but Toby just gave me a kiss to try and cheer me up and I thought of you ... hope you are ok!
14-08-2017 06:18 PM
14-08-2017 06:18 PM
Hi @Zoe7 I'm still here and struggling. I feel like an idiot and feel so so hopeless and empty.
I love Toby what a sweet face. Here is a pic of my new fur baby
14-08-2017 06:22 PM
14-08-2017 06:22 PM
You got one @STORMGRL101 - can't wait to see him/her
I've had a pretty horrible few weeks also - literally just held on a couple of times - very close to the edge! So no need for you to feel like an idiot or hopeless and empty by yourself - maybe together we can feel a little better together
Thank goodness I have my fur babies - and now you do too - yea!!!!! Nothing can beat a fur baby cuddle @STORMGRL101
14-08-2017 07:58 PM
14-08-2017 07:58 PM
oh @STORMGRL101 such a cutie Is it a boy or girl - and do you have a name you can put on here - otherwise I will just call it CP (CutiePie)
14-08-2017 08:06 PM
16-08-2017 11:20 AM
16-08-2017 11:20 AM
16-08-2017 05:00 PM
16-08-2017 05:00 PM
I love my puppy he is so sweet and loving and has attached himself to me. I feel so guilty for having suicidal thoughts when he would be so confused and sad if I went away and didn't come back. I feel so empty and hopeless about my situation all the time and I feel alone in my struggle. What do I do when I've been told the best thing for me to do is DBT but I'm not ready for it and talking is too hard I get all stressed and go into a dissociative state and sometimes they call an ambulance for me. I've been obsessing over these strange and harmful thoughts I've been having and I can't tell anyone about them and my case worker is trying to help me and find other options for me but it's been 2 weeks since Iv seen her and it's all just too hard
16-08-2017 05:59 PM
16-08-2017 05:59 PM
25-08-2017 07:15 PM
25-08-2017 07:15 PM
Where did I go wrong for my life to end up like this... I don't even know who I am anymore... more hospital ed visits in the past few months than I can count on my fingers. I'm so tired of it all yet i have to keep going not for the benefit of myself but the benefit of others. Today I've cried a billion tears, felt like my head would explode, wishing it all to go away, wishing I could go away, feeling alone, scared, unlovable, crazy, suicidal.
25-08-2017 07:18 PM
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