
Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Adge. I hope the locum comes soon. Mental health is always worse when in physical pain .

Hope you feel better soon.

Thanks @Faith-and-Hope

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Thanks @utopia I hope you feel better soon too.

Sinus infection, maybe chest too (I hope not).

A course of antibiotics from locum Dr.

Medical Certificate, & had to call in sick (not work) for tomorrow.


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

I hope the antibiotics kick in soon @Adge.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Thanks @utopia


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Adge @utopia wishing you both well today. Sounds like it's really hard atm.
Hi @Teej @Faith-and-Hope @Appleblossom @greenpea @CheerBear @Maggie @Mazarita @Former-Member @outlander @Shaz51 @soul and friends

I am quite frayed today, but appear to have sorted out the new internet sp. The old one is giving me grief. For a communications co they make it nigh impossible to be heard Smiley Frustrated Need to have a pause on that front as it's stressful.

For the rest of today I hope to: 
- Find out more about a course I'm interested in
- Meet a friend who's having a baby soon and give her some kids books
- Do some cooking
- Have a calm evening and get a good sleep. I think a sleeping potion is in order as I'm really wound up.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Thanks @frog Yes, dealing with phone co's is stressful.

They don't listen to me either - or I'm put on hold for up to 1 hour, before speaking to anyone.

I just stocked up my aviaries with seed & clean water, then did my inside cages.

No so great when I'm ill & it's pouring rain (I got soggy) - but all done now.


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

After 90 plus days sober: today I've decided to get pissed. Self medication. Self harm. Whatever you want to call it. I'm in the foulest mood possible.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hearing you, @utopia. Is there anything that's happened to bring this on now?

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

It's written on my thread called 'HOME'.

I'm bloody angry. But it's my decision to drink. I'm not blaming my son for my choice. That's on me.

I just don't want to feel anything tonight.

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in