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20-06-2018 07:12 PM
20-06-2018 07:12 PM
Yes I'm sorry to hear you had those experiences with Physios @Appleblossom
That would scare me off too.
I've not been to a physio in about 20 years - the one I remember from back then was very abrupt & seemed insensitive in what she said & did.
I won't let that put me off, because it was a very long time ago. If it might help, then maybe I need to try it.
20-06-2018 07:15 PM
20-06-2018 07:15 PM
I have IBS as well @Adge - it is not an easy thing to deal with - there are a lot of things I cannot eat and some that I can but in combination with other things can bring on the pain. I am usually pretty good at knowing what I can and can't eat and my family make provisions for that when we have family celebrations together - my sister has even done some research of her own to know more about the condition and will ask me before she prepares a meal when we get together if there is anything I cannot have.
The list of things I have physically 'wrong' with me would take a page lol so I won't go into them all but suffice to say it was easy for my GP to find 3 things and thus use the chronic disease management plan for the physio
My blood pressure is under control with medication now @Adge and it was most likely caused by meds I was on in the first place and since being off those it has returned to normal - but we still need to keep an eye on it just in case.
@Sophia1 how are you feeling at the moment - have you been back in the pool?
20-06-2018 07:16 PM
20-06-2018 07:16 PM
I believe in the proactive ... rehab exercises approach. @Adge
I found a very good rehab and sports medicine gym advisor and saw him for a few years ... and went to the gym for about 8 years and swim etc ... he saved my life and was very clear about physiology so I know now when some one is not "onto it".
I also know it because of hand issues and piano ... scoliosis is such a variable condition it is important to know what is useful and what may make things worse.
20-06-2018 11:17 PM
20-06-2018 11:17 PM
My goodness..
I was taking a break from the computer...sitting...
then we had no internet until later this evening..
How can one person be misunderstood by so many people?
20-06-2018 11:27 PM
20-06-2018 11:27 PM
Hi @Sophia1 🤗💕
I thought you meant you were just taking a break from the computer for a while ..... we didn’t all misunderstand you ....
I had internet issues yesterday.
Heading for bed now.
Catch up with you again tomorrow ....
Goodnight Hon.
21-06-2018 09:35 AM
21-06-2018 09:35 AM
@Sophia1 I too only thought you were taking a computer/forum break for the evening Hon. We all need to do that for ourselves on occasions - sorry your post was misunderstood - it can happen with the written word sometimes!
Do you have plans for today? Any more pool work to come? I had my first hydrotherapy session on Tuesday - it definitely made me feel a lot sorer but I can see how longer term it is going to help strengthen my back and upper legs to be able to alleviate some of the pain. I have 3 more sessions with the physio then I can do the exercises on my own.
21-06-2018 12:15 PM
21-06-2018 12:15 PM
Hello @Adge
I dont go swimming in the pool....
I do very gentle exercises....and walking....that is all...
I am only just starting my rehabilitation period this week...
I would love to be able to swim again...
A long term goal for the future....1 - 2 years....
nearly drowning would have been an extremely frightening experience ...once let alone 3 times...very courageous to be back in the water since ....
I do hope that you give yourself credit for that....
Hopefully you can work something out that will eventually provide you with some relief.....
This of course can become a domino effect...slight relief in one area...some light..some hope...easing of tension...anxiety...depression to some degree...
take care
21-06-2018 12:19 PM
21-06-2018 12:19 PM
@Faith-and-Hope wrote:Hi @Sophia1 🤗💕
I thought you meant you were just taking a break from the computer for a while ..... we didn’t all misunderstand you ....
I had internet issues yesterday.
Heading for bed now.
Catch up with you again tomorrow ....
Goodnight Hon.
Again Faith that is not my meaning....
21-06-2018 12:39 PM
21-06-2018 12:49 PM
21-06-2018 12:49 PM
Afternoon @Sophia1 I hope your time in the pool went okish. I tried hydrotherapy for back pain years ago, I only managed two sessions. I couldn't handle being touched, seemed momentarily worse than the back pain.
Yes I do look at the paver from different angles, it would have been better etc. but it's in and staying right there. No more yet, I just go with the flow. It will happen before summer.
My flat has a heat pump. I've only been here just over a year and it was put in last year. I just have trouble turning it on for me. Silly I know, but self care is a hard one. Small steps of progress.
Comedies sounds good. I watched Dr Martin the other day, he's a funny man, I always manage to laugh when watching.
A fragile day for me, another of many. Take care. Heart colour is just fine. 💜💕💜
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