
Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Glad you have come through another dark night of the soul @Teej

Not sure why some of us face more of them ... but it does not seem to dealt out equally.

I am steady, a bit low.  Nothing extreme happening right now.  Sang at event with Red Cross last night.  Feeling isolated and unworthy, but will put on big girl pants and get on with it.   Thanks for asking how I am.  



Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

There have been 2 very chellenging people in the group @Teej but one has just finished DBT and the other is considering moving to a different group - I personally hope that happens for me to get the most out of it - not quite in the right headspace yet to deal with those type of people...maybe down the track I will be less anxious when confronted by the behaviours they show. I am making connections with others though and that I would not have imagined I would do when the course began - yes we have both come a long way @Teej Smiley Very HappyHeart

Just need to get this sleeping, nightmares, waking in the middle of night and super early in the morning sorted and I can get into a much better routine - small steps but forward ones Smiley Surprised

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Thanks for the check in @Appleblossom. Something must have happened for those feelings of isolated and not feeling worthy to appear again. I’m happy to listen but you don’t need to share either if you don’t want. Either way I’m sorry that you are feeling a bit low lately. I hope you have something to look forward to this weekend. 💜🤗


@Sans911 I’m not sure if you are busy or quiet because things are tough just now. Happy to listen if you want to spill. Hopefully it would help. I understand though when it feels impossible to talk about certain things. Yesterday I spilled my stuff with my therapist and cried and cried all my tears out (I don’t often do it with her, maybe 5 times in 6 years). I only made 35 min of the session before I had to curl up on her couch and sleep that emotion off so I could go home. When I got home I realised how much I needed just to get that emotion out. I hope you can get to that place where the tears come for a release too. Sorry for rambling. Knowing me I’ve missed the mark hugely but I’m thinking of you. 💜🤗

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Hi @Sans911 Hope you are travelling ok today and looking forward to your retreat this weekend Heart

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing


i have a feeling things arent going so well so ill sit here quietly  with a listening ear if you need Heart



Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

❤️ @Sans911 .....

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Hope your ok @Sans911

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing


@Sans911i know things arent quite right atm but i hope you were able to go to your retreat.  

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing






Limited Internet access here. Will catch up with you later today.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

@Sans911 sounds good, catch up when your able to Heart