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26-07-2017 02:45 PM
26-07-2017 02:45 PM
hey @outlander
im having a relatively okay morning... its probably good but then depression stops me from noticing these things..
i have group support tonight so that'll be interesting... i dunno if it'll be useful considering close to every person i speak to seems to think i dont have anything wrong... god that annoys me.. reminds me of what you were talking about too..
how was the doctors? I hope it was worthwhile 🙂
26-07-2017 02:54 PM
26-07-2017 02:54 PM
im glad your morning has been ok @MDTwhat have you been getting up to today?
yeah i get that feeling, annoying and frustrting as hell it is and its upsetting too. i get it
the drs was ok, she agrees at this point once a week is enough becasue i see my therapist weekly too so thats twice weekly im getting help. she said at any point her doors always open if im having a bad week i can go there twice.
she will be talking to me psychiatrist becasue she thinks i need to be on mood stabilsers now not in a few weeks time. the earlier the better.
at the moment im drawing
26-07-2017 04:13 PM
26-07-2017 04:13 PM
@Former-Member what do you think of this one?
26-07-2017 04:34 PM
26-07-2017 04:34 PM
26-07-2017 04:38 PM
26-07-2017 04:38 PM
thats good that you got a job, good on you! yes im sure your quite capable of doing it whatever that may be.
yeah i need that mood stabilser in there, i really do and now that im off them realsie how much they were helping me at the time.
yeah its a dreamcatcher. im trying to figure out what next to draw.
26-07-2017 04:45 PM
26-07-2017 04:45 PM
26-07-2017 04:47 PM
26-07-2017 04:47 PM
im glad you like it @Former-Member
26-07-2017 05:35 PM
26-07-2017 05:35 PM
26-07-2017 07:03 PM
26-07-2017 07:03 PM
26-07-2017 07:14 PM
26-07-2017 07:14 PM
@Former-Member thank you
im glad you would still consider hospital despite the circumstances. that is very good to know. remember theres the helplines with the chat as well kids helpline has it, beyond blue and im pretty sure headspace has it to.
i hope this counsellor helps you, maybe before you go write down the things you want to accomplish and the things you need to kepe yourself safe and take it with you to the first session. sometimes if your straight up with them in the limited time you have with this one for whatever reason they can put their best foot forward and help you along too.
it seems you need to learn distress tolderance skills and skills to avoid sh. these things seems like a top priority to me what do you think?
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