
Not applicable

Re: -Enigma-

Thinking of you @Former-Member

Night night. 💜💖

Re: -Enigma-





Morning @Former-Member@Former-Member@Former-Member@Appleblossom 

Hoping everyone is ok ❤

Re: -Enigma-

I am ruminating on a new social situation which is troubling me.  Thought I would put it out there and ask for your comments.  I met a lady in a choir who runs a recorder group and I started with them (3 rehearsals), but she is very controlling, oppositional and ambitious. I have been trying to do my "fit in" thing and blend and keep up. She paraphrases me incorrectly, and I am thinking of pulling out. She teaches littlies and knows I am a piano teacher, but has no sense of respect.  Her husband and her run a studio and my son wants to set one up again with me.  We are in different cities so she should not be rivalrous .. eye roll ... I accepted her leadership but feel she want to drill me into the ground to prove it.

I dont want to throw out the baby with the bath water ... often ... my issue ... sigh

I am thinking of sending a note ...but to both her and husband on the web site (tho private)... rather than just the private phone no and email I have of her.  Her hub is rhthym section in the group.  If she pulled her head in a bit and had respect I would cope.

Any ideas.

Re: -Enigma-

@Appleblossom ive no idea on how to help but im with you  whatever decison you  make 💜


@Former-Member@Former-Member 💖



Hoping that your going ok. Thinking of you images-196.jpg






Re: -Enigma-

Thanks @outlander I sent email and am pulling out of group. My neck started to go along with sciatica. I have zero tolerance for stoopid oneupmanship. Its just the way it is for me now.  Got a great concert on tonight and tomorrow. Two very different styles and groups so its exciting ... chin up... up and at 'em .. and all that.

Smiley Happy

Re: -Enigma-


I hope your neck and back get better soon. 

Tske it easy 

BB xxoo

Re: -Enigma-

Thank you @BlueBay

I pulled through. First concert was harder pain wise, but 2nd concert ended up being more fun as back began to settle.

I think it is about me calling out a mismatch and moving on quickly without investing too much energy or emotion into something that was flawed from the start. @outlander  There are many opportunities.

Thinking of you @Former-Member Hope your sale and your daughter are going reasonably ...



Re: -Enigma-

Im glad both concerts were good @Appleblossom despite the pain
I think the way you handled it was quite well. Good on you for trusting in your own instincts.

@Former-Member ❤ ❤
Not applicable

Re: -Enigma-

Thinking of you @Former-Member and wondering if you are ok. 💜💖🌷🚆🌺🌺

Re: -Enigma-

Missing you @Former-Member hope your ok ❤