
Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Anyway how is your sketch going? @Former-Member

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

I better go now it's been fun playing with you, thanx for being a good sport! I needed to have some fun, too much pain, & stress for too many years. I will finish your sketch, & no minions in it promise. I've Minionized you to the limit tonite!
Love & Hugs!
Silly Bella! XO 🙂

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Keep an eye out for the gif @Former-Member i think youll like it when you imagine that was me

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

And good night sleep well @Former-Member
Its been good chatting wirh you

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

@outlanderHeartCat Happy

See u 2 morro Zorro!Woman Tongue

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

That is actually a good movie @Former-Member

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

How are you going tonight? @Former-Member

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Hi my darling friend!
I am in serious pain, it's hurting me bad. I really did not want to tell you, but since you have come to my thread, I have.
I slept for a long time today, it was so nice. I baked another, Choc Fudge Brownie. I will bake the Caramel mud cake next time I bake. I think I may have caused my damaged hand, knees, & lower back/spine, to get inflamed. I played ball with Ruby today, & I over did it, as Ruby was having so much fun. I love her to have fun with me, as she adores me, & I adore her too. I just forgot for that time. I am so fed up with having all this damage in my body, its depressing me. I will deal with it, so don't you worry, I am just being truthful!
Love U!


Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

Hello miss @Former-Member
Y'know i have like a 6th sense. Sometimes i can pick up when something wrong if im close enough to them.

If I didn't want to know i wouldnt have asked. If you need help you know you can tag me, i don't mind.

Ohh noo not the brownies! They are ao addictive, you gunna start eating them lik pringles chips! ( one you pop em you cant stop em!)

Aww im glad you played wirh ruby im sure she really loved it too. Yes unfortunately we can over do things. I often forget with my hand atm too.
Maybe a hot shower, reg dose of meds and heat packs will help. Get on top before it gets worse sort of thing.

Hugs but gentle ones so it doesnt cause pain ❤

Re: I am- Overwhelmed & Traumatised I need your support!!

HeartWoman Tongue@outlanderHeartHeart

Good Morning My Darling!Heart

Stupid dumb LT, went dead last nite after I sent the message to you. I was in a bad way, so I just went to bed, to try & sleep it off. I took a sleeping med before you wrote to me, so I was on the way out anyway! Duh!!Woman Tongue

I love your message I just read it, you made me smile, you are funny, I love you!  🙂

Yes, you are not wrong about the wicked Brownies, they are my best meds now. I ate one for breaky not too long ago. It's 10:33AM atm, I only eat Brownies now, I like them better than other sweets. Its shopping day today @ Coles Online, I will try the Strawberry Cake, you recomended it looks yum.

You & I are on, Cake Theropy at the moment, it's working for me, as long as I don't start eating other sweets.  I should be ok with one Cake, per week. 😛

Back to rain, & cold again, so will go do my Online shopping soon, then I will come back to SF to see if you are here.

I hope you are ok today, I am much better today, just a little bit sore. I will have to remember that I am a ship wreak, next time I start to play ball with Ruby, & not get so into it, bummer, hey?Woman Frustrated

Who knows, I may heal one day!!, huhWoman Frustrated, miracles happen. I know my Surgery was a miracle.  Really, when I think about it all, what I went through before the Surgery was far worse than what I am going through now. Now is a mixture of, pain, impatience, frustration, mood swings, mixed in with complex mixed up dreams, that cause the depression.  WOW what a combination!!  No wonder I love Brownies!HeartWoman Tongue

Ok, enough of my winging, I will go Shop, & do some Sketching, then come back later to talk to you, ok.

Love U!

Bella Loves Outlander!HeartWoman Wink


blow kiss GIF by HelloGiggles