
Re: when is it time for hospital

Ive been laying on it. Ive made my way into bed despite my sisters being in there. Ive got my headphones in with really light music just to drown out some noise. But even my ears hurt atm
I had a hot shower too hasnt helped. @Sans911
I just want ti go to sleep but im too scared to sleep incase the nightmares come

Re: when is it time for hospital

Do you remember last week how nice being at the Botanic Gardens was @outlander? Take yourself back there, to the smells, the beauty and serenity of nature.

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander,my sister xx do you like camomile tea , I find it is nice and when i am tired like tonight i have a cup of green tea

Re: when is it time for hospital

I dont have any of those @Shaz51
I just like normal tea. Had one of those too but i cant manage another one
I just want to sleep and have this pain stop

@Sans911 they wouldn't send me home if i wasnt allowed to sleep would they? Last week sounds so far away

Re: when is it time for hospital

The trauma is just agitating your condition @outlander,I know it's hard for you all the time let alone the trauma of the past day or so..Maybe draw, outlander if that is therapeutic to you,and post it on here,maybe a wombat hole with a sign" Outlanders' and old Lil1 hole!P*** Off!"lol🌸

Re: when is it time for hospital

@soul i cant find your link u gave me the other day was it on here? Or another thread?

I don't want to draw @Former-Member im not up for it besides that my eyes and head hurt. So prob not a good idea. And i have to sleep soon but im too scared to and ive got to drive tomorrow

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander Remember I said the first 24hours of concussion is the time when things could get worse? Hence their concern enough to keep you in and not give you meds. Now that time has passed, you need rest and sleep. So it's fine to sleep, fine to take your usual meds, fine to go gently for a while until you recover. Did the hospital give you an information sheet on head injury? I hope so.

A psychologist I know told me whenever you feel unsafe and anxious, it can help to take yourself back in time to a place where you felt safe and secure. Where there was beauty and peace. Where you felt like nothing bad could happen. It was hard at first for me to do,, but I can do sometimes when I am really overwhelmed and struggling. And so can you.

Get some rest @outlander. Put your headphones in and take yourself back to that majical place.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Oh yeah @Sans911
No i wasnt given a fact sheet. Told to take pain relief is pain gets bad again. Take things easily. That was it and if i get bad again to come back in. Im not like last night but everything does hurt.
Do u want to come with me to the gardens @Sans911 id love if you could come and escape some pain too

Re: when is it time for hospital

Take note of @Sans911, @outlander,maybe turn this technology off and rest the mind and the eyes,you need no stimulation to switch off.Its no different when I'm on a walk , listening to the radio,I turn it off because I need the silence and to enjoy the visual scenery ,this is a form of "switching off".You need to "switch off".As for driving tomorrow,it's like getting back in the saddle.You are lucky the accident was what it was.My accident years ago ,a wet day came around a corner,braked and rammed into a little car waiting to turn.I was fined neg driving,and the girl claimed insurance for her back.Learn from it,you will be traumatised and nervous for a while,but it does make you a better person.Lately,like yesterday I had a p plater overtaking me doing over 100,seen a red p plater doing over 100 a few weeks ago.Its a tough experience,but it makes you realize what  can happen and how you can do better.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Ok @Former-Member ill try and go to sleep