
Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

@Sans911Heart Heart


its ok, and please dont stress over trying to respond if your not up for it and nor trying to explain yourself. I can hear you were getting abit anxious about that so please dont worry. If the words dont flow out straight away thats ok, if it comes to you in the middle of the night then come back here write and tag me. I will be here to listen and support you the very best I can in with  the wonderful supports you have here as well. Just thought id address that bit first before fulling responding.


Thats all they are though, they are only short circuit breakers which I understand we all need and atm im very much debating there but I also promised I wouldnt go back there as it would cause my pop too much distress and it would make me worse and the results of what would happen when I got out would also make things worse for me so its kinda out of the questions atm. 'its just another attention seeking thing' is their response.


I understand the despair your feeling, I really do and a lot of the times its easier to just give in rather than fight. So dont fight, float. As your doing now. Just float, dont make decisions, dont act on those thoughts just float and know they are only thoughts. Hard to do I know.


Finding a purpose isnt an easy thing to do. Not in the slightest way. Your not sounding selfish @Sans911 not at all. It all is making sense and it goes hand in hand with the way your feeling. Fear is a massive thing, self conscicience is one of the most powerful things to contend with and when you put the 2 of them together it seems like there is no way out ; it seems impossible.


I can hear your despiar regarding your career and I know you liked where you worked before hand but its something to think about as an option as you start to feel alittle better, when you feel that only time will tell but you are strong. You just have to find it within yourself, how you do that im not sure as I struggle with it myself. But I have to try and believe there is something worth waiting for in this life.


Tread water sis, and we will tread it with you and when you get tired we will help you back up Heart sending loads of hugs Heart


Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

@outlander @Former-Member my mh case manager (no2), the one from yesterday with the lovely comments, has just dropped by at my home. I've not gone to the respite centre. I just want to bunker down at home, and I'll surface when I'm ready and able. I didn't answer her phone call earlier is why she came by. I couldn't be bothered saying anything about yesterday. I'm still angry and hurt about it, but I've got no fight in me right now. She asked why I wasn't going to the respite centre; I told her I didn't want to. She asked if I was safe-I said I was for now, and I won't do anything at home anyway. She'll be back later with my sleeping tablets, even though I told her not to bother.

Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

going to the respite centre is up to you @Sans911 it might help but sometimes it helps to recover at home first and you seem well enough aware when you have recovered enough to resurface. if you do start to feel unsafe please do get some help though ok, you are worth it and you deserve the help you can get. 

for now i know your exhausted so ill just sit here with you and hold your hand. and im sure Nell will be around here too. 

hugs and hugs


Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

@Sans911it seems you are really struggling today hun. Will sit with you all night if you need me too. Big hugs for you. Even though she said some really rude things yesterday, it was good that she came by to check on you. Heart

Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation


Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

@Sans911 Just dropping by to say good morning hun, hope you got some sleep last night. Will always be by your side and here for you 💖💖💖💖

Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

@Sans911 ❤❤❤

Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

@Sans911just checking in to see how you are going today. Thinking of you hun Hearthug-5.jpg

Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

So the same mh worker from yesterday has just called for a check in. When I asked her about her remarks on Friday, she told me that I'm just supposed to get over it. I had other choices for support and help, but I chose to SA instead. Tough if my feelings were trampled on. I'm so sorry that I continue to exist to be a thorn in your side. I'm sorry I breathe the same air as you. Next time I feel so bad I won't call and waste precious resources. I never asked for emergency services either. Maybe the world will be a better place if I don't take up some of the oxygen and space.

@Former-Member @outlander @Faith-and-Hope @Teej @Zoe7

Re: **Trigger warning** Stuck in world of sadness and Suicidal Ideation

Oh sis big hugs to you. I dont know what to say thatll help you but i will continue to sit here with you @Sans911 ❤❤❤ what a b**ch can you ask for another support worker